Spiritual Healthcare

Spiritual Health-Care is the new trend!

Spiritual Health Care sees a person holistically. This includes the body, the soul, the mind, and the spirit.

As we all know, our western medicine is very cure-oriented, often addressing symptoms rather than root causes. Nevertheless, lately, there has been a movement in the medical world that recognizes the more spiritual roots of medicine.


Spiritual-Health-Care is your ‘foundation’ for contemporary well-being!

Healthy eating and regular exercise are just not enough anymore. The power of Spiritual-Health-Care lies in actively taking the initiative and persevering in maintaining health.

The good news is: IT IS ALL UP TO YOU! You are the capable designer of your health and well-being!

We qualify for Spiritual Self-Health-Care when we can:

  • Be curious! Be responsible! Be independent! Be a “Toddler of Light” exploring the world!
  • Be creative! “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” Self-Health-Care is initiated by an individual and performed on their own behalf. Find your own individual routine in what works for you! What is good for you does not necessarily have to be beneficial for someone else.
  • Be open! Some principle rules set the framework for every individual. We all play the “Game of Life.” We all want to be happy and healthy!

 Get started now with these three easy steps:

  1. For daily inspiration and regular support, join the “ DIY Spiritual Health-Care for Empaths“ group on FB.
  2. Acknowledge your basic needs without hesitation! You might say, “I know that!” The question is, “are you also doing it?” Read more.
  3. 10 Spiritual Self-Health-Care exercises that don’t take any extra time. Free E-book. In progress,  available soon.

Advanced trainings for highly spiritual down-to-earth Self-Health-Care:

AuraGym – How colors help to let the energy flow on all levels in every respect!